Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bryant Family Christmas Vacation

Well - Here is the picture recap from our vacation.  We had a ball of fun and lots of laughs!!
I used a (new to me) camera to take this picture.  I'm still trying to figure out how to use it but my pictures got better and better throughout the trip. 

Our vacation included Chris and myself, my Daddy and Barbara, my sister Tracey, Stacey, brother in law Franklin, nephew Rivers and Rivers best friend, Bryson, and honorary member of the Bryant/Stuckey/Cox family. 

Tracey, Stacey, Franklin, Rivers and Bryson left on Tuesday and went to Washington DC for 3 days. We met up with them in Williamsburg VA on Friday and stayed until Monday.  The rest of the family except Chris and I stayed the night in NC on Monday night and are on their way home today. 

Here are some pictures from the ride to Williamsburg: 
Practicing with my camera to make sure it works. 
All of the family dogs had to stay behind except for Tinker and Cameo.  Tinker would sit in my Daddy's lap for most of the drive. 
 Cameo would sit in Barbara's lap for the majority of the ride. 
 Co-pilo Chris was the navigator to make sure we got there without getting lost. 
 Uh Oh - We had to stop because of a diesel leak about an hour outside of Charleston. 
 We are stuck unless we can get some help. 

 We got help! 
 Giving directions to the guys for what we need to do when we get to VA. 
 Cameo trying to figure out where everyone is at!
 Tinker boy barking to let everyone know it is cold outside.
 As the sun started to set, we turned on the rope lighting.  It felt like Christmas. 

 Chris was trying to figure out the camera.  Evidently he couldn't work the flash. 
When we arrived, it was dark.  I made dinner for everyone as they built a fire and then watched TV around the fire.  It was very very cold there.  We knew we would need some extra insulation the next night.   Here is our cute cabin for the weekend. 
 Loft area so the cabin actually slept 4.

 View of our cabin from my Daddy's site.  
Here is my Daddy's site from our cabin.  You can see my sister and brother in law's side to the left of my Daddy's bus. 

This is where we had our fire at Friday night. 
I woke up on Saturday morning to find out that Rivers was sick all night long.  He started to feel better at about 1 or 2pm but was too lathargic to go anywhere. That was not a problem for me because it was raining and I gladly hung out with he and Bryson all day while my sister's went out and explored.  Meanwhile, the guys are kicking tires (looking at cars), buying all the tarps from the Tractor Supply Co, shopping in thrift stores and in pawn shops.
You usually can't get a picture of him sitting still.  He really didn't feel good.
Bryson loved learning about George Washington at Mount Vernon on Thursday.  Here he is writing a letter with his new quill pen. 
Technology was never far behind us.  Daddy on his iPhone, Bryson on the iPad, and Rivers on his iTouch. 
 Two buddies having fun! 
The guys decided to build a tarp porch on Saturday and Sunday.  Here are some pictures. 
This is how it started. 
 There was still a good bit of wind coming into the porch.

 Breakfast on Sunday morning.  Look at that smile.  Rivers is feeling better. 

 They added some aerodynamic tarps on Sunday. 
 And a window . . . to be funny!

Sunday I spent the day with my sisters, Rivers and Bryson in Downtown Williamsburg.  The view on the road to Williamsburg. 

 Williamsburg was decorated beautifully for Christmas! 

 The movie we had to watch before we went downtown.  The boys loved it. 
 We are waiting on the movie. 

 The Capitol. 

 These boys had such cabin fever from staying in on Saturday that even a storm drain entertained them. 
This is where we had dinner on Sunday night.  Christina Campbell's Tavern. 

 I loved this decoration on the porch wih the pineapple as a sign of welcome and hospitality. 
 More games (horseshoes) and easy entertainment.  

This garden was amazing. 

 Old School Light Pole

It is hard to see but there is a squirrel who was chewing so hard on his nut that we heard it from about 100 yards away. 

One of my favorite pics of the boys.

 Patiently waiting on the shoe maker. 
 The Govenor's Mansion
 I loved this wreath. 
 And this one but I got photo bombed!
 They think they are such cool kids. 

 I'm not a huge history buff so I was so happy to see modern day stores!!
And I can't even explain to you how I felt when I saw the sign for the cheese shop.  I went in and got myself and sister a cheese plate and wine and made it through the rest of the afternoon. 
 I was eating my cheese and drinking my wine while watching the Illumination of the Capitol. 
 The boys ready to head back to camp and get ready for dinner.
 Franklin was taught how to properly wear your napkin in the 1700s. 
 Bryson promptly put his on the same way. 
 One last wreath!  I loved this one as well. 
The trip was great but very cold.  I am hoping for something warmer next year.  We got home last night and then rang in the new year.  We were so exhausted but enjoying a lazy day today! 
We are headed to the house this weekend.  We can't wait!  

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