Sunday, January 13, 2013

Grass and Trees

It's hard to believe in 2 weeks we will be going to sleep for the last time in our apartment. Our home for the past 5 1/2 months.  There were a lot of finishing touches this week to the house.  The more we go to the house the less change there is in the house because it is almost finished.  YAY!   This week's biggest accomplishments were the tile shower in the master and the yard.  I posted pictures of the shower (which is almost done) on Friday so I'll focus on the yard for this blog post. 

Here is the house and yard as of Saturday morning.  It is really shocking how quickly they turned this yard around.  I think it took them less than 6 hours and that yard was full of mounds of dirt and was so uneven.
Ryland gives you trees planted in the front yard and they leave trees in the backyard from the original landscape (aka "woods").  Here is our pitiful trees in the front yard.  We'll see how long it takes them to grow!

They painted our door black.  I'm sure they will put the numbers back on this week before the walk through.  The people you see in the background are the painters who were finishing up the trim work on Saturday.  One of them was a huge Taylor Swift fan because he had his phone playing nothing but Taylor Swift and he was singing along.
My sink faucet!  We went back and forth with the satin nickel finish and the oil rubbed bronze look. I'm so happy we did the oil rubbed bronze.
 Here is the sink.  We had two options.  This sink or one big sink.  Chris wanted one big sink and I wanted this one.  I'm still happy with the choice.  I need two sinks when I'm cooking.
 This is the railing for the stairs. They stained it and it was drying while we were there on Saturday.
Here are three pictures of the backyard.  As you can see, we are still waiting for the porch to be screened.  I'm assuming that is one of the last things they will do this week. The boys are going to love the size of this backyard.  We've already gotten approval from the HOA to put up a fence.  Now we have to get approvals from the city of Hanahan and Berkeley County, then that will be one of the first things we do after closing.  

This week they will finish up everything so the house is ready for the walk through on Monday the 21st.  We can't wait to start unpacking our boxes and decorating it.  We spent a little time this weekend at Lowe's pricing everything out to make sure we knew how much we were going to have to spend to put up blinds, a storm door, crown molding, a fence, and to try to find a grill and one more ceiling fan.  We did this same pricing between Home Depot and Lowe's about 5 months ago but of course we can't remember.  We went to the Home show that was at the convention center this weekend.  We just knew we would run into some companies that install blinds.  We can do it ourselves but we thought it might be a good idea to get a quote to see what the price would be since we have a lot of other projects to get done.  There was no one there selling blinds!  WTH?!  We did buy 5 sets of 1200 count sheets.  Not what we were shopping for but we needed them.

Unless something major happens, I'll wait and blog after our walk through next Monday.

Until then. . . .

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