Monday, January 21, 2013

Inspection Day

Today was inspection day and it started off kind of rough but ended well.  We had to be there at 8am (or so we thought) and it was hard getting up this morning.  I didn't sleep well last night because of the excitement so that made it even harder to wake up this morning.  We were late leaving and then I spilled coffee all over myself on the way.  Great start to the day!  We ended up getting to the house early (even though we thought we were going to be late).  Our realtor and the electrical guy came up right behind us.  At about 8:10 and no one else arriving, Chris called our builder to make sure he was coming.  Evidently, we were the only ones who got the 8am meeting request and everyone else got a 10am meeting request.  Our builder, Kelvin, rushed to get there since he knew we were there early.  He arrived at 9am.

We were cold when we arrived and couldn't get the heater turned on so we turned on the fireplace to keep us warm. We are thankful we got the fireplace.  The house would not have as much character without it.

The inspection went well.  Chris had gone out to the house on Sunday and inspected it from top to bottom.  He had put sticky notes on every imperfection.  He had 33 sticky notes in total!  LOL   Most of the items we needed them to work on pretty simple (simple for others to do not for me to do) repainting and I also heard the word "buffing" a lot.  Evidently you can buff out a lot of stuff.  The biggest issue was that the hearth on the fireplace was scratched.  I don't know that you can buff out slate so it might need to be replaced. Kelvin found some things that Chris didn't find so he was impressed with his detail.  :)

We will do another walk through at 11am on closing day before we head to the closing at 1pm.

Tonight we are spending out last Monday night in the apartment.  Eeeek!  Thank goodness I have a job that keeps me busy because it would suck if I wasn't distracted during the week.

I believe in my last update we were waiting on the screen from the porch to be put in, the stove and fridge to be installed, and the shower to be finalized.  That is all done as of today!  They finished up the shower last night.

These pictures are from yesterday and not today.  My camera was causing me all kinds of trouble yesterday when I tried to take pictures. I wasn't able to get any pictures of the upstairs bedroom/bonus room and bathroom or the 2nd guest bedroom downstairs.

Our cars look good in that driveway don't they . . .
 We've got mail!
Chris says the 8 is crooked on the door.  I don't see it.  Kelvin said he would fix it.  Also, who knew that peep holes are not standard in doors.  How in the hell am I going to be able to see the murderer on the other side when they ring my doorbell!?!
 The screened in porch.  It is much larger than we imagined.

On the outdoor patio.  
 Cooper will love sunbathing on this piece of concrete when it is warm.  That dog loves the sun!
The kitchen view with all the appliances.  
 The stove!
 And fridge ...
The view into the living room.  
 The fireplace lit.
The breakfast area.  
 The dining room.
The office.  You can see Chris' yellow sticky notes in the background.
Downstairs guest bathroom.
 The first guest bedroom.
 The railing was put up last week as well.
Our closet.  
 The tub and shower before they finished the shower.
 The master bath sinks.
 View of the master bedroom from the bathroom
 View from the master windows of the bedroom.
 View from the main doorway of the master. (so glad we did the tray ceilings)
We went shopping this weekend.  (Shocking I know since that is all we seem to do now a days)  We bought our duvet and duvet cover for the master bedroom.  We bought the rug pads so we will be ready to lay down the rugs.  We bought some really cute decor that I'll wait to share with you when we have everything set up in the house.  Today we bought the bathroom hardware for the guest bathrooms, garage door opener, two more ceiling fans, dimmer switches, and new outdoor lighting.  We don't really care for the standard lighting.  We are now on the search for patio furniture which is really hard to find during the month of January.  This is what we looked like walking out of Lowe's today.

The next detailed blog will be after closing most likely.  I plan to do an overall wrap up of our building experience as well as a room by room before and after so you can see how we decorated.

Until then . . .

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