Monday, January 7, 2013

It's Move In Month!

In 4 weeks, we will be in the house.  We are scheduled for our walk through on 1/21 and then closing on 1/28.  They have gotten so much done since my last house update in December.  They finished our tile in the bathrooms and laundry room, they put in the granite and the laminate flooring.  We went for laminate flooring because it wears much better than hard wood.  Since we have big two dogs that like to run and play and wrestle with each other, we don't need something that will ding easily. 

Today they started and finished the yard and started working on the tile shower in the master. 

Here are some pictures. 

I'm going to try to take pictures that are more detailed and closer with my camera once the house is completely finished.  I'm also planning to do a room by room before and after once we get moved in. 

The carpet is down in the bedrooms.  They covered it with plastic until closing.

 The view from the kitchen into the breakfast area.  They have not put up the screen for the porch yet.
 All the doors are up and the floors are in.  They've covered with paper so they don't get messed up since people are still working in the house.
 The kitchen is almost done.  They just need to put the rest of the appliances, the sink hardware, the pantry shelving, and door knob for the pantry.
 The breakfast area light.
 The dining room light in the tray ceiling.  Both will hang lower once we get into the house and get the furniture in the house.
 The convection oven. So excited about this!
 A little closer look at the cabinets.  They are antique white finish.
 The foyer light.  I would like to switch this light out with something a little more "dramatic" but this will work for now.  We had to pick a set so we couldn't pick out individual different looks.
 The office with a little piece of the flooring showing.  There is a better picture of the flooring below.
 The construction is slowly moving down our street and away from our house.
 This is what the house looked like on Saturday during our visit.
 Here is a better picture of the flooring.  (this is the pantry) It looks really good with the cabinets and granite.
Here is the the house as of this afternoon.  They got the yard done quick!  
I'll try to get a good picture of the tile and granite on our next visit this weekend.  I'm hoping that they will have our tile shower done by that time as well.

Until then . . . Roll Tide!

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