Saturday, December 29, 2012

And it continues...

Since my last blog post, I found out that the my sister and brother in law's motor in one of their slides broke/died (whatever slides do. If you are not familiar, a slide is in an RV and expands your floor plan when you are camping.) They also had a battery die and had to take my nephew to the urgent care on Thursday because he broke out with a body rash. Merry Christmas! Lol!

What should have been a 7 hour trip took us 11 hours. We only stopped twice but traffic was a nightmare and we had to fix the heat and the leaking diesel. I have to admit it was pretty cool that I could make everyone lunch as we were driving down the road.
Last night was pretty uneventful until we got ready for bed. We have a cute little cabin for Chris and I while everyone else stays in their RV's. Chris and I could not get comfortable on the cabin bed or get warm. I think it took us about 2 hours to get comfortable and warm. Meanwhile, Rivers was sick all night and is just getting some sleep now and it's 10am. It's raining and we are sitting in the RV waiting for the rain to stop and Rivers to feel better. In other news, I'm pretty excited that we are close to some Amish, Minnonites, and a Scandanavian village! We are going to get out and adventure later today.

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