Sunday, October 28, 2012

Plumbing for my Birthday!

I'm exhausted from a great day celebrating my 36th birthday!  I'm going to make this blog as short and sweet as I can possibly make it .  We have had a lot happen this week.  Not only have I turned a year older, we found our rocking chairs for the front porch.  Woo Hoo! 

We had been pricing them at Lowe's and other places and knew how much we would have to spend if we bought them brand new.  We thought about the fact that most rocking chairs never get used because they are considered a front porch decoration.  We knew we could find someone who wanted to sell them and we could catch a deal.  Chris found these two chairs on Craigslist this week.  We saved $100 by buying them on Craigslist.  While I wanted black to match the shutters, we can easily paint these black.  Right now they are sitting on our porch in the APT waiting for their new home. 

We went to the lot today for our weekly visit.  I get to visit the lot weekly but Chris goes after work everyday to take a picture and then tell me what the latest is in our progress.  When we arrived, I was excited to see our new sign.  I've been waiting for this new sign!  It details the lot, plan, and our new address. 

Here is the front view that you are use to seeing in the blog.  The biggest difference this week is that all of the plumbing is set up in the lot. That big white pole is the drain pipe that will go to the upstairs bathroom. 
Here is the front porch where those rocking chairs are going to go.  All it needs is some concrete!
Here is a picture of the plumbing for the master bath, downstairs guest bath and laundry room. 
Here is the plumbing for the kitchen. I failed to get the picture with the plumbing to the fridge in the picture.  The plumbing you see is for the kitchen sink. 
Here is the back yard view for this week.
Since it is my birthday, I'm only thinking about the good news for the week.
1) We are officially 3 months into the 6 month build.  We are half way there!
2) As soon as the plumbing is inspected, they will start pouring the concrete slab.  (Which means I expect to walk on (or seeing) concrete next Sunday and not dirt.)
3) We walked through other houses and floor plans today and we are still in love with our floor plan.  It is perfect for us!

And that my friends is how Amy does Short and Sweet!

Until next time. . .

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