Monday, November 5, 2012

The Fast Forward Button is ON!

The best way to describe what is happening right now is the title of this blog.  We have reached the time where day to day our lot is changing before our eyes to the point where it is amazing how much work is getting done on a daily basis.  You will be amazed at the changes from the last blog.

Here is the house 8 days ago:  (all dirt and no concrete)

Chris and I had an impromptu lunch date on Halloween. How fitting was it that was the day they were pouring the concrete.  Here is what we saw when we stopped by 6 days ago: (CONCRETE!!)

Chris drives by the house everyday and on Friday he noticed that all of the wood had been delivered and put in the "front yard".  As we drove up yesterday, I squealed at the wood that was in the air.  We went vertical!  It's framing time.

The left and right walls were up and the back wall was about to be put up.  It was as if the Flinestones work whistle went off and they all ran away.

I did learn one thing about the men working on our house.  It must be hard work because this was laying all over the lot.   Would it be a conflict of interest if I showed up with a 12 pack of Energy Drinks for them to tell them Thank You?!?!

Here are some more pics from our November 4th visit.  (The wood)
 The Dining Room View!
 The Garage View
 The guest bedroom view
 The concrete had the specifics and layout drawn on it.
Chris drove by today to find a completely different lot.  (Check this out!)
I'm amazed at all the work in 8 days and don't know what I will see when I go for my next visit this weekend. 

In other news, Chris and I found our two barstools for the kitchen island.  We have a table height island in the kitchen so we were looking for 24 inch stools without a back.  This will allow us to put them under the island when they are not being used.  We were also looking for saddle style stools.  We got these stools for $15 a piece.


We are pretty excited about a few other furniture purchases that will hopefully happen sometime this week.  I'll update you about those in the next blog.

We are so excited but so overwhelmed with all the progress. 

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