Thursday, October 18, 2012

We interrupt building this house for a Wedding!

As many of you know, Chris and I got engaged over the summer while we were on vacation.  We pretty quickly after engagement decided we wanted to do a destination wedding.  We decided that to ensure our family and friends would be able to attend we would wait a year.  Well . . . we decided we couldn't wait that long.   We got our marriage certificate on August 3rd and let me tell you that was an experience.  We had to apply for the marriage certificate at the Coroner's office.  That is just a cruel joke.  It was so awkward!!  We didn't know back in August when we would get married but decided we would get married some time before the house was complete.  During the months of August and September, we secretly planned a small wedding with our family and a few friends. 

The planning is part hot mess story and part boring story.  I won't bore you with it in this blog.  On October 6, on the beach at Kingston Plantation, Chris and I tied the knot.  It's pretty amazing how something that was suppose to be us exchanging our vows on the beach and then heading home turned into a full fledged wedding!  Thanks to our family we had two amazing condos on the beach,  flowers, lots of photographers, wonderful food, a beautiful cake, and an awesome day after the wedding brunch.  Chris and I were so happy with how it turned out and it was such fun to surprise everyone! 

Most people who have shotgun weddings do so because they are pregnant.  Don't worry . . . that is not the case here. . . we are one of the small percentage of shotgun weddings that don't have a bun in the oven. 

Our honeymoon was a bit unconventional as well.  We had already planned a trip back in Feb/March to New Orleans and Baton Rouge with some of our close friends for the LSU/USC game.  We spent 4 days in Kingston Plantation.  We were able to make a quick stop in Tuscaloosa on the way to New Orleans for 2 days.  We then spent two days in Baton Rouge.  All of this was with some of our closest friends. :)

Here are a few pics: 
Margate Tower - Where we stayed for 4 days.

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