Monday, October 22, 2012

Apartment Blues

The entire family is over living in this tiny little apartment.  On one hand . . . It's hard to believe we have been in this APT for 2 months but also very depressing that we have 4 more months to go.  I think my biggest issue is the clutter.  I do not do well with clutter and I'm living in it right now.  We are living in a two bedroom apartment but only have one bedroom to use.  The second bedroom is currently a storage room and we have another storage unit that is filled right now.  My friend Kratzer made me feel a little better a few days ago when she told me that anytime I feel like I have it bad, think of her.  She is living in a smaller square footage with husband, dog Jasmine, and her newborn baby.  That was all I needed to realize that yes Amy - - You could have it worse.  :)

We went to look at the lot yesterday and they got some work done since Friday. 

I loved walking through the lot to figure out where I was in the house based on the floorplan. 

This is the view from the back of the lot.  My Daddy is standing in our bedroom and Barbara is standing in the laundry room. 

Here are the trees that they are saving for us in the backyard. 

We are hoping to show you pictures next weekend where the slab has been poured by the end of the week.  Pray for no rain!!! :)

Until next time   . . .

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