Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Bryant Delay

As a Bryant, I'm use to being delayed or to plans not completely going my way.  Change and delays have been a part of my life for years.  It could be the many times we have been stranded on a sand bar in the boat. It could be the many times we've been lost in a car or on a boat.  To be a little more serious, when you have a father who is a preacher you are often going to have plans interrupted due to emergencies in others families lives who depend on and need your father to get through those emergencies.  This was why a lot of our family vacations when we were younger were to Kiawah or Seabrook.  It was far enough away to feel like a vacation but close enough that Daddy could go into town if needed. 

This vacation is going to be delayed a little for part of the family.  One of my Daddy's friends and long time church members passed away on Sunday.  It was expected by the family due to his illness but of course they wanted to get through Christmas before they plan the funeral.  Half of the Bryant gang is on the road today and half of us will meet up on Friday.

Chris and I are headed to my Daddy and Barbara's house in a few minutes for a fun day. I'm so thankful that we've had the chance to spend time with all of our family this holiday and looking forward to spending time with the entire Bryant/Stuckey clan on Friday.   Safe travels to the Stuckey and Bryant's on the road today.  Special thoughts go out to anyone who lost a loved one this year.  It is never easy but thinking about memories of that person always put a smile on my face. 

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