Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Little Behind

I'm a little behind with the blog.  After Hannah passed away last weekend (November 17th), I really didn't have a desire to really do anything with the blog.  Saturday was a very emotional day for us so we decided to get out of the house on Sunday.  It was very therapeutic for both of us.  We probably spent too much money because of our sad hearts but oh well!  We went by the house after lunch on Sunday and I did take some pictures on 11/18 when we went to see the house.  I'm going to be honest with you that this blog will be short because the stuff that they got done the week of 11/12 is stuff that is not very sexy or exciting (to me).   Here are some pictures that show you the latest as of 11/18/2012.  (remember I'm a bit behind)

It was raining all day and muddy at the lot so Chris told me I had to wear my rainboots.  When I went to find my cute polka dot rain boots, I could not find them.  I'm sure they are packed in a box somewhere because I thought I would not need them.  Chris took me to buy some new ones and this was all I could find.  Cute huh?

When we drove up and I put my boots on, I noticed we had doors in the garage.  Not garage doors but actual doors to the house in the garage.  I got distracted by those when we first arrived. 
I typically have the same pattern when we arrive at the house.  I go look at the office, then the kitchen, and then the master bathroom.  Those are the rooms I'm most excited about so they get the attention first.  I noticed when I walked into the office that most of the AC work had been done. 

I walked to the kitchen and did what I do most weeks . . . day dream about cooking in the kitchen for the first time or throwing our first party.  Here is the island that will eventually be surrounded by our family and friends.
I noticed when I was walking past the laundry room that they have the water and gas lines set up for it. 
What a surprise I got when I walked into the master bathroom and saw our tub sitting in its place.  They also have all the pipes in for the toilet, tub, shower, and sinks.  I walked to the other bathrooms and saw the other shower/tubs in place as well. 

I noticed while walking through the rest of the house that there was blue writing and red writing on the walls.  After walking around and reading the writing, I noticed that blue was good and red was bad.  Red meant they had to redo something. 

Chris climbed into the attic and started walking around.  It is going to be a very large space but I hope it is easy to get in and out of. 

One other thing I thought was cool.  The plans to the house are nailed on the wall in the master bedroom.  I had to take a picture for memory sake. 
I'll do one more blog update tonight about our shopping adventure and our visit to the house on 11/23 to catch up! 

Until then . . .

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