Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pre Construction Meeting

Today we had our preconstruction meeting.  YAY!  This is what I said before I got there.  I have to admit that there was a point in the meeting that I got very bored and distracted.  Thank goodness Chris was there and paying attention for me! 

The preconstruction meeting consisted of a review of our structural selections, design upgrades, review of the electrical wiring (Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz), overview of the blueprint (props to all architects out there because that was confusing), and a walk through of the lot.  Chris and I decided after all of this was over that we were going to walk through a couple of the houses that our neighbors will eventually live in to see the progress.  I can't wait to have a block party and talk about the times we all walked through each others houses and what we liked about their selections. 

Kelvin will be our Construction Manager and he is really nice.  He is managing 20 homes that are in our neighborhood and under construction!  Here is the good news and bad news.
BAD NEWS - Our lot is still trees!  Boo!
GOOD NEWS - Our home is the last that will be under construction on the two intersecting streets which means we will not have to hear the banging of hammers, the buzzing of big equipment, and the beeping of large 18 wheelers coming to drop off wood, flooring, appliances etc. 

Here are some pictures!!
I was standing in our front yard when I took this picture.  They are about to start pouring concrete on our across the street neighbor's house.  (We have not met them yet.)
This is our neighbor to the left (if you are looking out at the street).  We have met them and they are very nice.  Kelvin and his team have gotten so much accomplished on their house in the last 3 weeks.  They are moving in at the end of October!
This is Chris and Kelvin on our lot in the backyard talking about what trees we can keep and which ones have to go.  We are sad that there is a big pine tree that will be at the end of our screened in porch that we can't keep.  Kelvin said it is too close and the roots won't make it through all the construction.
Chris is very excited about the upgraded insulation called Spider insulation.  Kelvin suggested we go check out a house that just had the insulation sprayed.  This is Chris checking out the insulation is our neighbor's house 3 doors down (across the street).
Kelvin explained to us that the only places he can't do the Spider insulation is above the fireplace and above the bathtubs in the master and bonus room.  The insulation that they will do is called Bat Insulation.  This is Chris checking out the insulation.  Chris was so excited about the insulation.  I was bored at this point but I'll be so excited when they get my cabinets in the kitchen!!
Our neighbor 3 houses down (on our street) is also building a Barrett.  They are almost done with their home.  They are working on the flooring right now.  We walked through their house and they added beadboard in the laundry room.  I love it!  I didn't think about it before but definitely putting it on my honey do list for Chris. 
I'm not a shopper by nature but I do love grocery shopping.  I'm very excited about the Super Bi-Lo that will be my new grocery store when we move in the house. 
We got another deal on Craigslist today!  Score!  I'm waiting to hear back from someone else about another Craigslist deal.  That will be in my next blog. 
OH - Most important . . . . They are clearing our lot this weekend.  I've got mixed emotions about it.  I'm sad for the trees that have to come down but I will be happy to turn the corner and see something other than trees on our lot.   We are still on track for a January closing but only if mother nature cooperates. 

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