Monday, September 24, 2012

Craigs List is not just for Killers!

Every relationship no matter if it is work, friendship or romantic allows you to learn new things.  There are things you would have never done prior to meeting that person(s).  One of the things that Chris has enlighten me on is the gems you can find on Craigslist.  BC (before Chris) if I ever needed something I would go to a store to buy it.  Chris and I love to get a good deal on something of good quality.  We've done a lot of Craigslist shopping for the new house.  You get a good deal and you have good stories as well.  Here are a few of our Craigslist finds with their stories. 

The Storage Unit
Chris found an ad with an old trunk for sale.  It was part of a huge sale.  The girl told us to meet her at her storage unit.  We knew this could either be bad news (we were going to get killed) or good news (we were going to find great stuff).  Thank goodness it was that we found great deals!  The couple was selling everything and moving to Puerto Rico and we scored on their move!

The trunk!

Bed for $20!
We got about 25 baskets for $1 and $2 a piece.  Here are some of them. 

$20 for these 3 Vera Bradley bags
We also got a 24 bottle wine cooler with dual temperature.  We got picture frames, pillows, and blankets.  We got everything for under $200. 

The Not So Good Deal
I've been wanting a trestle desk for my new office.  Chris found one and we immediately decided to buy it.  The only thing it needed was some paint because I wanted it black and it was brown.  This is not the actual desk we got but something like it.  The not so good deal happened when we walked in to World Market and saw a similar desk for $50 less.  Oh well . . . we learned a lesson with that one!

The Russian Spy
Since we got the great deal from the couple moving to Puerto Rico, we have been looking closely at moving sales. People will sell good things for cheap prices when they are trying to move quickly.  Chris tells me on a trip to Columbia that we need to swing by Orangeburg to look at furniture.  I was skeptical but trusted him because we hadn't been killed yet.  We pull up to this run down house with this tall Russian with a fancy video security system.  After a little negotiation, we bought these tables for my office.

Finally a Chair
We have been searching for wing back chairs for a few months now.  If we found the right fabric color, the price would be too high.  If we found one that was the right price, the fabric color was hideous and it would have been too expensive to change.  Ugh!  It was very frustrating.  We finally came across this chair. While it is not an antique old wing back chair, the colors will match our living room perfectly.  We bought it for $125 and then walked into Pier One last week and noticed it was "on sale" there for $349.  Yes!  We got us a deal!

We'll keep you updated on our Craigslist finds because we are still searching for lots of good deals! 

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