Sunday, August 25, 2013

Products I Love: Bathroom Edition

I have been meaning to do a products i love blog. As I was cleaning the bathroom, I thought today might be the perfect day for the Bathroom stuff. 

A few things you should know, I love a great deal. (Coupon, BOGO, % off, $ off) I love it all! However, I am also a marketer's dream. When I find something that I love, I will buy it in bulk and tell all my friends about it.  I also trust my friends opinions (and sometimes strangers) on products like it's the gospel. 

Here are some of my favorite products from around the bathroom! 

I loved our tile shower until it got dirty. i hated it two months after being in the house. I don't clean the shower everyday but I like it to look clean. The mildew was awful and nothing would work. I got in the shower one day a scrubbed it for about an hour with regular bathroom cleaner. I googled blogs and read articles. Chris who is the king of research found Tilex Mildew Root Penetrator! I love my shower again! This stuff is powerful and no scrubbing is required. If you have a tile shower or a tile surface that is hard to keep clean, try it! The bleach smell is powerful but I clean it last and then leave the fans on and exit to bathroom. (Bought at BiLo)

I've always been pretty lucky to have small pores and pretty clean skin. However, I use to have a breakout once every month. I don't know if it is the combo of both these products or one of them but I haven't had a breakout since using them. Olay Shine Shine Go Away smells so good and works great. I only use it once a day. I use the makeup remover wipes in the evening. I put the CVS moisturizer on before my makeup. It smells like sunscreen but is not oily. What i have learned since buying this moisturizer is that sometimes the generic is as good or better than the expensive stuff. (Bought at CVS) 
My friend Terry turned me on to ION products. I was using expensive salon shampoo and conditioner. Each of these bottles were $5 at Sally's and will probably last me 4-5 months. It is just as good as the salon products for a quarter of the price. (Bought at Sally's) 

I can't remember if it was my friend Dana or Terry that told me about the Dove hair therapy. I have naturally curly hair but get the Brazilian Blowout every six months. I try to only wash my hair 3 times a week to avoid losing the natural oil and to make the Blowout last as long as possible. I use this on the mornings I do not wash my hair. It smells great (you see a trend), tames any frizz I may have, and is inexpensive. (Bought at Walmart)

I found out this year that I have eye allergies. (It sucks getting old.) My eye doctor recommended these over the counter drops. I use to rub my eyes a lot especially at night. I use these in the morning before putting my contacts in and don't have a problem with my eye itching until the evening. I'm suppose to use them at night too but I don't because the eye irritation is not that bad. They sell a two pack which I bought. I keep one in my makeup bag (which stays at home) and one in my purse. If I hear someone talk about their eyes itching, I whip this bad boy out! (Bought at CVS) 

I have always been pretty particular about my toothpaste. I can't just buy whatever is on sale or whatever I have a coupon for. I got a sample of this toothpaste after going to my dentist about a year and a half ago. I was complaining about sensitive teeth and my  dentist office recommended using this toothpaste at least once a day.  I did that and then starting using only this toothpaste when I brush my teeth. Chris uses it as well since he sometimes had the same sensitive teeth issues.  There are rarely coupons or BOGO deals for this so I buy in bulk from a warehouse. (Bought at Sam's) 
I'm not a perfume person. I've tried other lotions but they just give me a headache. I've been wearing this scent for over 10 years. Bath and Body Works "retired" it to the outlets only about 6 years ago. I was not happy because at the time the closest outlet was either in HHI or MB. They retired it to online only as a "classic scent" about 2 or 3 years ago.  I buy it once a year. I wait until they do go on sale for $5 a piece (regularly $9 and $10) and I order enough to last me a year. I can tolerate the scent and always get compliments on how good I smell. (Bought at Bath and Body Works Online) 

CVS is my favorite pharmacy store but Rite Aid can beat them on price sometimes. When shopping at CVS, always try to buy when you get extra bucks, a $ off coupon or if you have a 25% off coupon.

I dislike shopping at Wal-Mart. I don't like the parking, the crowds, or the lines. I only shop at Walmart a few times a year. 

I love Sam's and Costco. We have a membership to both and I buy things in bulk that we go through pretty quickly or  I can't get cheaper elsewhere. 
I'll try for the products I love kitchen edition next! 

I would love to hear about the products you love in your bathroom. 

Until next time, 

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