Saturday, August 17, 2013

Garden Update

I have lots to update on but more about that in another post! We have had the busiest summer but life is starting to slow down a bit and focusing on the house. (And Chris would say the boat...more to come on that in another post.) 

We had a semi successful 1st year garden. The jalapeƱos and okra are still growing. There is a watermelon that is thinking about growing. We decided to do round two which we planted today. I had to dig up the dead tomato plants first. 

We also decided to give the dog run a makeover. The sand was getting low and the smell was getting bad due to all the rain, poo and pee. 

I'm also really proud of my pine straw distribution skills as well. I usually leave the yard work to Chris but I helped today because we had so much to do and were worried about the rain starting! 

Here are some pics: 
The dead tomato plants! Thanks for all the good maters! 
The updated garden. The watermelon is to the left. I planted more cucumbers. Then you see the huge jalapeƱo plants and tall okra plants. Then I planted more cilantro and decided to plant some sweet peppers! Now we wait! 
I learned my lesson earlier this year when the squash almost took over the garden! It gets its own whiskey barrel for round 2. 
This whiskey barrel is reserved for more tomatoes. I'm waiting a few weeks to plant those to make sure we don't have anymore heat waves! 
The upgraded dog run. We added more sand and used cedar chips closer to the house where the dogs lay down. We also added some lime to the sand to make sure we avoid a smelly dog run. 
Sweet Eddie the escape artist keeps trying to get out when we are not home. 
My sweet pine straw skills. 
My pitiful flowers. I gave them some food in hopes they grow to look like the others in the next picture. 
The food our Lowe's friend recommended. I'll let you know if it works. 

And now we are on the front porch rehydrating. 

Ok! I promise more blog updates over the next two weeks. I have 3 months of updates for you. 

Until then, 

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